How To Create The Perfect Wedding Atmosphere 

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When you’re planning a wedding there will be lots of things on your mind, and the overall atmosphere might not be one of them – you’ll probably focus on the smaller details rather than think of the bigger picture, after all. However setting the right mood and getting the atmosphere right can really make a difference when it comes to how great your wedding is and how well people remember it, so it’s well worth considering and putting a few ideas into place to ensure you’ve got the best atmosphere you can have. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you do it – read on to find out more. Photo by Pixabay


Your lighting at your wedding, no matter what the venue might be like or where you’re getting married, is massively important if you want to create a lovely, romantic, comfortable atmosphere. It needs to be warm and inviting, and you’ll want to think carefully not just about having lighting (that’s pretty obvious), but the types of lighting and where it might be set up. 

The best way to make your wedding have a great – even perfect – atmosphere is to have a mix of lighting, including task, accent, and ambient lighting to ensure everything is lit the way it should be. You can use what the venue already has, but you might want to bring in some extra lighting, such as string lights or lanterns – it really depends on your theme, and you should always check with the venue to make sure it’s allowed. 


Music is a truly powerful way to create a fantastic atmosphere because of the way it can bring about so many different emotions and memories for people – that’s going to make your guests feel happy or nostalgic, and they’re definitely going to have a good time as a result. 

The best thing to do is speak to the DJ or live band (whichever you’ve chosen) so they understand what kind of music you want and what kind of atmosphere you want to create – they’ll probably have exactly the right music to make it happen. It’s crucial to plan the music for special moments like the first dance, cutting the cake, and the end of the night as well, so if you want something special, let the person in charge of the music know. 

Personal Touches

Something else that will generally make the entire event feel very special and give it a lovely atmosphere is to add as many personal touches as you can, from the wedding card design to the cake to the layout of the tables, and so on. 

Not only will this put people at their ease because they’ll see how romantic everything is and how happy you are, but these touches can be a great talking point to, which is amazing if people are just meeting for the first time and need something to break the ice, for example. Plus, if nothing else, these little touches are going to ensure you’re wedding’s completely unique. 

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