Alabama Artist Drops Inspirational Song About Never Giving Up

With Black Lives Matter ringing in the ears of everyone, Ray The Great’s song, “Anybody” could easily be an anthem. For far too long, Black lives have been put on the back burner. This song is a reminder of how important it is to believe in our Black communities and uplift one another.

The lyrics remind me of how hard I have worked to get where I am in life. I am also reminded of how Black people have to work 200% harder just to get half the recognition of our other non-people of color peers.

With lyrics such as “Roman noodles tasted like stake… had to grind ain’t no other way…sacrifice made me a great…” I couldn’t help but think back to my double shifts in high school, my three jobs in college and my moonlighting as a young adult.

Remember Black boys and girls, women and men, you are special, you matter, your dreams can come true!

Other music by Ray the Great is below:


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