Meet Izzy Spears, a body positivity activist. Spears has a goal to motivate and inspire women across the world to live their best lives. Determined not to be defined by main stream beauty standards, Spears has made it her mission to show women that loving the body you have is important.
“Why wait to for tomorrow to start loving yourself?”, spears asked with a smile. Recently, Izzy has announced she has written, “Diary of a Curvy Gal”, available Fall 2018. The goal of this memoir is to let women know they are not alone. “Growing up I was often bullied about my body and the way I looked. It hurt me and it took a long time for me to recover. Today I am proud of who I am. I love my body unapologetically and can easily say, f#$% the haters. I want to motivate others to do the same.”, stated Spears.
Spears is administrator of a Facebook page, Curvy Girls Rock, an online community aimed at sharing positive stories centered around women.
“Curvy Girls Rock is very important to me. This platform has allowed me to share stories of women across the world who are making the world a better place, one day at time.”, Izzy stated.
Izzy is not only writing books and using social media to motivate and inspire women, Izzy has launched a clothing brand in collaboration with PaSH Merch. The Curvy Girls Rock line consists of t-shirts designed to inspire women to live out loud, celebrate the body they have and live fearlessly. More information about the book and the clothing line can be viewed at
Spears wants readers to know that life is precious and you only get one shot. “Why spend time worry about what people may or may not say about you. If you want to rock a mini skirt, do it! If you feel the need to have pink hair, why not? If you feel the urge to wear a belly shirt, who is stopping you?”, Izzy declared.
Izzy Spears is also known for her children’s book series, “The Adventures of Jaylen Newman”. This book series was created to give children of color positive representations of themselves. The series follows a young boy as he tries tackles the everyday bumps and bruises of life.
“At the end of the day, I hope every person can learn that they are worthy of love and happiness, regardless of how they look on the outside.”, stated Izzy.
Make sure to follow Izzy on social media using @izzy_spears.