How Can You Start Making A Move Towards The Life That You Want?

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What kind of life do you want? This is an important question, and yet one that is not asked nearly enough. When we’re younger, and even as we age, we are asked all sorts of questions. One of the main ones is what you want to be, what career you want to have, and what you can contribute to society. However, we think that an important question that needs to be asked is this: what kind of life do you want?

If you think about it, the answer to this question will help to guide you in your life, helping you move down the path towards the life that you want for yourself, which you might not have known about otherwise. 

In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at how you can start making a move towards the life that you want. If you are interested in learning more about this, keep reading.

Understand What You Want

One of the things that you are going to need to do is make sure that you understand what it is that you want from your life. It’s hard to know the exact answer to this, and the answer may well change from time to time, but there’s no reason that you can’t adapt that as you go. In order to start moving towards a life that you want, you have to sit down and think about what that is, or else you’re not going to be able to make any moves.

Yes, if this changes, then you can always alter the plan. Perhaps something will be presented to you or come into your life that you didn’t know existed before. If that happens, then of course it’s okay to change your plans depending on that, if this is what you want to do. There is no rule that says that you can’t change your mind, but you always need to know what you want to be able to move forward.

Start Setting Goals To Get There

Another thing that you should be doing is setting goals to achieve what you want from life. Again, this is why knowing what you want is so important, because once you do, you can then start setting goals to achieve what you want to achieve. Sit down and really think about what goals would help you move in the right direction for the life that you want to live. You will likely have that your goals will encompass all elements of life, and that’s normal so don’t think that you’re trying to take on too much.

What a lot of people forget is that you’re not supposed to try and achieve your goals all at the same time. You’re supposed to focus on one at a time and then move forward as best you can. If you do this, then you have a much higher chance of being able to reach these goals, ticking them off the list and moving towards the life that you want to live.

What Makes You Happy?

At the end of the day, one of the most important things in life is what makes you happy, because these are the things that you should be focusing on. We know that there are so many people out there who will tell you to focus on the practicalities of life, but what is the point of doing this if you’re unhappy? Nobody deserves to be unhappy, and it’s time that we put a stop to this as much as we can.

Yes, there are times where you are going to have to be practical. Yes, there are going to be times where you struggle to achieve happiness over practicality, but again, that’s okay. Life is a process and a journey, not a sprint race. You’re not always going to get it right, it’s just about making steps in the right direction as often as you can.

Learn Some New Skills

In life, there are certain skills that you are going to need to learn. You need to know basic life skills such as cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, doing taxes and so much more, but it’s down to your parents and yourself to teach you these things. If you can’t do the basics, what hope are you going to have at doing some of the tougher skills?

But, when it comes to learning new skills, we recommend that you do this to the best of your ability, and make it a broad range. You never know when having random skills is going to come in handy, and it’s always better to know how to do certain things. For example, you can look into getting a CPR certification if this interests you, as then you will be fully trained to save someone’s life in this way if needed. If you already hold one of these, then a CPR certification renewal is something that you’re going to have to do every couple of years. Think about it, and think about all of the other skills that you could learn!

Cut Out Toxic People

Toxic people do not belong in your life. Some people think that they like the toxicity of others, but that’s not actually true. Often people who think this have been involved in toxic situations for so long that they do not know any different, or that is what they feel most comfortable with. It has nothing to do with what you actually like, and everything to do with what you think you deserve or what you know. 

As we said though, toxic people do not belong in your life, and it’s important that you are getting rid of them when you realize this. They will chip away at your confidence, any love that you have for yourself, and they will generally make you feel awful about yourself. It’s not fair, it’s not okay, and you shouldn’t let this happen to you. Don’t feel bad about cutting off those who wouldn’t give a second thought to cutting you off if the roles were reversed, and don’t feel bad about doing what is right for you.

Move Into A New Career

Perhaps a new career is on the horizon, or this is something that you would like to be on the horizon. If you are tired of the job that you are in, and you want to start pursuing your dream job rather than where you are right now, that’s great. Don’t quit your job just yet though, because it might take time to get yourself into a position where you are able to do this, and you don’t want to have no income until then.

Again, as long as you are taking steps towards the life that you want, that’s what matters. Even if you feel as though you are moving at a snail pace, it’s better than not moving forward at all. Baby steps are still steps at the end of the day, and that’s not something that you want to forget.

Prioritize What Matters

In life, there are so many elements that come together to make up the way that you live, and the life that you have. It’s important that you are prioritizing the things that matter, even when it feels tough to do so. We promise you that doing this will help lead you to the life that you want to live, and not the one that you don’t mind too much but would definitely prefer something else. 

Remember that your priorities are just that, yours. It doesn’t matter if someone else looks different, because they are personal to you. Your life is your journey, and don’t worry for a second about what anyone else has to say.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Changes

The final thing that we want to say is that if you want to move towards the life that you want, you have got to stop being afraid of changes. Change is good, change is what you need to achieve a new life for yourself, so you should be embracing that. The more open you are to change, the more likely you are to see success at building the life that you want for yourself, as you will be more adaptable and open minded.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now have a stronger understanding of some of the things that you should be doing to start making a move towards the life that you want. It’s important that you are doing this to the best of your ability, ensuring that you are covering all of your bases. The last thing that you need is to end up moving towards a life that is not for you, but refusing to stop or slow down simply because you are worried about the time it has taken to get there. That doesn’t matter, what matters is that you are in control. You can always turn back and go down a different path if that’s what you want to do. 

Red PaSH Magazine is a lifestyle publication. Our slogan is “all your tiny obsessions.” We are strong advocates of self-love, self-care, body positivity and supporting minorities, especially women, people of color and communities not highlighted in mainstream media. Please send pitches to Please note that we sometimes use affiliate links. If you purchase anything from a link we have provided, we may receive a small commission. This money is used to help support our efforts at PaSH Inc. Check out our sister magazine, PaSH Magazine and

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