Dreams can come true! Kristal, owner of K & J Elegant Pastries, is the perfect example of making childhood dreams a reality. At the age of 14 Kristal discovered her talent of baking. Her passion for baking was so strong; Kristal later went on to attend culinary school. While utilizing her talents at local restaurants Kristal began her culinary

Five years into her career; Kristal decided to submit to her never subsiding passion for
baking and urge
for entrepreneurship. “Baking for friends and family was no longer enough”, said Kristal. Her talent was so outstanding that she decided to “step out on faith” and open a business from home. Over the seven years of baking from home, the
business grew so popular and the desire for her “melt in your mouth” cupcakes became so demanding that Kristal had no other option but to expand to a store front. Thus, K & J’s Elegant Pastries was born!

June 2014 will mark the one year anniversary of this thriving business that started from a childhood dream. Although K & J is a dream come true, the dream did not happen overnight. “It took hard work and ambition”, said Kristal with a smile. As “The Mind and The Muscle” behind her business, Kristal understands the value in customer service, hard work and a good attitude. When asked what was the hardest obstacle faced to open her business Kristal explained, “Besides the long hours and personal dedication; the hardest obstacle was learning about meeting health codes and guidelines associated with opening a business in the food industry. Everything had to be done quickly and correctly in a timely manner of just two months”.
Kristal was asked, “Although baking is your passion sure enough, what keeps you excited about your business?” She excitedly replied, “The final product! I love arts and crafts and to build a cake you have to build it piece by piece similar to any art project. It is hard work and takes a bit of creativity. Overall, seeing the final product is so rewarding it makes all the hard work worth it!” When asked, “What is your favorite treat. Kristal replied, “My sweet potato cupcake!” it is no surprise sweet potato cupcakes are also her #1 seller.
In the future, Kristal plans to expand. She is looking forward to being mobile and owning a cup cake truck so that all areas can experience K and J’s melt in your mouth cupcakes! After hearing Kristal amazing story, she was asked to leave a word of advice for future and present entrepreneurs. Kristal humbly replied, “Stay focused, work hard, and always, always, always, be professional!”