Keep Your Beach Body- All Year

Keep Your Beach Body- All Year
The end of Summer is right around the corner. This time of year always seems to come out of the blue here in Alabama; and you might find yourself unprepared. Maybe you’re trying to shed a few pounds to shape up that beach-body, or maybe you’re just trying to live a healthier, more active lifestyle. Jenn Mayo may have the answer for you, regardless of your fitness desires. Jazzercise is a “Calorie-torching, hip-swiveling dance party workout,” burning up to 800 Calories per one hour class. Instructing since 2007, Jenn offers a variety of classes, such as Core, Strength, and Dance Mixx, each geared toward a specific goal and “will leave you breathless, toned, and coming backfor more.” To try these classes out and see the results for yourself, you can visit her studio off of 119 in Alabaster, or for additional information give her a call at (205)447-5362.…/jazzercise-alabaster-thompson-…
By Porter Branch, Intern

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