Dress For Your Personality


A Personality That Fits By Shaneice Sims


Recently engaged? Ready to bridal shop? We have the perfect Bridal shop for you to visit, DSC_0831Ivory&White.

Ivory & White has a very unique, intriguing, and inviting approach to styling their brides in the perfect gown. Brooke Mason, the owner, had a career in advertising, but soon parted and began a career where she was head of the bridal salon in Saks. She loved her position and realized it was a calling and started her own bridal salon, Ivory & White, in October of 2008.


DSC_0792With six years of experience, Mason’s approach and best advice to fitting her brides in the perfect gown is not to shop in belief that there is only a certain “body type” for a “specific”dress, but there is a dress for the brides “personality”. Mason also believes in the advice that less is more. 90 % of Mason’s brides have a set idea of the over the top gown and accessories they want, and in fittings realize that the ideas they came in with may not actually be what they were genially looking for. Overall, weather it be Glam, Authorial, or Traditional gowns, Brooke Mason of Ivory & White is the perfect fit when looking for the perfect bridal gown.


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